Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chapter 4: The Symbolic Nature of Language

Chapter 4: The Symbolic Nature of Language
Megan Goeden
Comm 283

     In chapter 4 we discuss the meanings and value of language. I am fascinated with the way that language affects the world, so I decided to blog on this topic. Specifically, I'll talk about language in respects to relationships and the way we tend to totalize with it. First of all, we have come to know words as a symbolic part of life. Words are literally symbols that hold meaning (Woods 2012). These words that we use can influence our lives in many ways, positive or negative. Totalizing as we read in the book is a way of putting our specific assumptions around one aspect of a person's identity. This may not always be a negative aspect, but it is obviously limiting to society as we communicate based on these assumptions (Woods 2012).
     So when I think of these symbols and assumptions that we use in our lives, I realize how much they affect our very being. We can get a completely wrong idea of who someone is by having a biased opinion coming into a situation. For instance, I work in a nursing home. Over the years I have come to recognize the way that people totalize "the elderly". The message given off by non-verbal and verbal communication is that of an authoritative and degrading standpoint. Family and friends will come to visit and automatically talk slower and louder as if the residents need this special treatment. Some residents laugh when the visitors walk away, and while they're shaking their head we share eye contact and they are non-verbally showing me how silly they think those visitors are. We both understand, as I know that many residents have no communication limitations whatsoever. The way that the visitors were totalizing the residents put a limit on the communication. The words and actions used by both the elderly and the younger visitors are what make up their relationship. They also reflect that relationship (Woods 2012).
My crazy grandparents :)

      The symbols and uses of words in our society play a huge role on relationships and even success or failure throughout life. One bad interview can ruin a whole career. We all totalize, we can't help it. But If everyone in the world was more aware of when and how they were totalizing, there might be a whole different line of communication. I know that sometimes I have probably had a bad attitude toward someone because of totalizing. If I had considered other aspects of that person or even misperceptions on my part, we may have had a completely different type of interaction. It may sound corny but the world may be a better place if people would look at the way they communicate more closely.

My favorite place to be. Beautiful and simple all in one :D

Works Cited

Wood, J. T. (2013). Language Defines Phenomena. In J. T. Wood, Inerpersonal Communication (p. 98). Boston: Wadsworth.

1 comment:

  1. Great topic and application. Think about how you can apply paragraph 3 to specific communication situations. Here are some APA edits:
    in text (Wood, 2012)
    Wood, J. T. (2012). Interpersonal communication:Everyday encounters (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.
