Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chapt. 11 Navigation

Navigation Examples
By Hana Mustafa

[This clip that I am showing from the show, “How I Met Your Mother,” is from Season 2 Episode 5 at 19:06]

            This clip from HIMYM shows an example of placemaking. Placemaking happens in the process of navigating a relationship and is generally defined as the process of personalizing an environment in ways that makes both partners in the relationship comfortable. In this particular episode Lily has problems with the new apartment that she moved into so she has to find somewhere else to stay . She ends up begging her friend Barney to let her crash at his bachelor pad and he reluctantly agrees. One of the effects of having Lily stay there is that Barney’s one night stands are scared away because they think he’s married so he decides to embrace it and gives Lily free liberty to make the place more homey. They then end up relaxing together in the comfortable space Lily made for both of them demonstrating placemaking although not in the traditional sense.

[This clip is also from the show, “How I Met Your Mother,” is from Season 1 Episode 8 at the beginning of the episode]

            This clip from HIMYM shows an example of relational culture which is according to Wood “…a private world of rules, understandings, meanings, and patterns of acting and interpreting that partners create for their relationship (Wood, 2013, p. 283). This episode starts with a display of  Lily and Marshall’s relationship by showing their tradition of whenever one of them goes on a trip they bring back beer from that place and the remaining partner in turn is always there with their name on a sign to greet them. This demonstrates a ritual that they as a couple have developed and therefore an unspoken rule for their private world.


Wood, J. T. (2013). Interpersonal Communication:Everyday Encounters. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

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