Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Media Illustration 2- Primary Styles of Love

            I chose to present the three primary styles of love.  People can express love in many different ways. Three of the most common ways of expressing love are the primary styles of love eros, storge, and ludus.  Combinations of these three styles create the secondary love styles.
            The first style of love is eros, which is described as powerful, passionate, sudden, and dramatic.  Erotic lovers are romantics who fall deeply in love.  For my media example, I chose a scene from the Sandlot, where Squints is deeply in love with Wendy Peffercorn.  He stares at her like she is a goddess, and moves quite rapidly when he kisses her unexpectedly.  Although Wendy may not reciprocate his love, he definitely exhibits eros.
            The next style was storge, a slower paced type of love that develops from friendships. Storgic lovers develop love gradually, growing from common interests.  This type of relationship is exemplified in Forest Gump when Forest befriends Jenny.  The two are “Like peas and carrots” and do everything together.  After some time apart, their love is still present and they have a child together. 
            The final primary style of love is ludus.  Ludus is a fun, less serious form of love.  Ludic lovers view love as a challenge, a game, and an adventure.  They enjoy falling in love but are not interested in commitment.  Joy from friends is a ludic lover.  He is a ladies man that dates many women but seems to rarely have a steady girlfriend.  

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